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The Global Dance Studio: Ritmos Latinx

Multicultural Dance Residency

  • 45分
  • 85 US dollars
  • 訪問型サービス


The Ritmos Latinx Residency is an exuberant celebration of dance from the Caribbean and Central & South America. Ritmos Latinx enriches students' classroom experience as they learn alongside professional teaching artists and culture-bearers who bring traditional dance into the classroom: merging global arts with core curriculum. Residency Program Length: Ten 45-minute lessons Enrichment Program Length: Four 45-minute lessons Grade Level: PreK - 12 CDE Standards: VAPA 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 & 5.0 Curriculum Integrations: Geography, History, Mathematics, Social Studies Technical Needs: TBD Space Requirements: TBD Community Connections: Indigenous People's Day, World Dance Day, Dia De Los Muertos, Carnaval



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